Category: NO MORE HEROES characters
Pizza Butt’s CEO (II)
This character had a major role in the NO MORE HEROES series. He was the second CEO of Pizza Butt killed by Travis Touchdown under contract with K-ENTERTAINMENT. The terms of his death earned Travis LB$50,000. His family member Jasper Batt Jr. later inherited the company, rebranding it Pizza Bat, and plotted to avenge his…
Pizza Butt’s CEO (III)
This character had a major role in the NO MORE HEROES series. He was the third CEO of Pizza Butt killed by Travis Touchdown under contract with K-ENTERTAINMENT. The terms of his death earned Travis LB$75,000. His family member Jasper Batt Jr. later inherited the company, rebranding it Pizza Bat, and plotted to avenge his…
Pizza Butt’s CEO (I)
This character had a major role in the NO MORE HEROES series. He was the first CEO of Pizza Butt killed by Travis Touchdown under contract with K-ENTERTAINMENT. The terms of his death earned Travis LB$30,000. His family member Jasper Batt Jr. later inherited the company, rebranding it Pizza Bat, and plotted to avenge his…
Death Metal’s mother
This character had a minor mention in the NO MORE HEROES series. Sylvia Christel may have been familiar with her, as she claimed her son Death Metal‘s toughness was a facade directly resulting from her being “an ugly bitch.” Her grandson, Death Metal Jr., was also an assassin and sought revenge for his father’s death…
Mask De Panther
This character had a minor role in the NO MORE HEROES series. He was a professional wrestler starring in two films, Mask De Panther, the Tiger’s Roar and Mask De Panther, Master of the 4th Dimension. His signature moves may have been Quebradora Con Giro and Huracanrana, as Travis Touchdown learned these techniques from studying…
Santa Destroy Warriors
Appearances Nomenclature
Destroyman: True-face
in NO MORE HEROES 1.5: DESPERATE STRUGGLE characters, NO MORE HEROES 2: DESPERATE STRUGGLE bosses, NO MORE HEROES 2: DESPERATE STRUGGLE characters, NO MORE HEROES bosses, NO MORE HEROES characters, NO MORE HEROES FLASH ゲーム「トラヴィス編」 bosses, NO MORE HEROES FLASH ゲーム「トラヴィス編」 characters, NO MORE HEROES Ⅲ bosses, NO MORE HEROES Ⅲ charactersAppearances Nomenclature
Jeane (III)
This character had a minor role in the NO MORE HEROES series. She was the daughter of Sylvia Christel and Travis Touchdown. As a child, Jeane visited an art exhibition with her mother and saw a painting of her father‘s showdown with Henry Cooldown in Santa Destroy. Later in life, Jeane became an influencer on…
Mask de Uh
Appearances Nomenclature
Naomi (I)
Appearances Nomenclature
Randall Lovikov
Appearances Nomenclature Notes References
Thunder Ryu (II)
Appearances Nomenclature Notes
Shinobu Jacobs
in NO MORE HEROES 1.5: DESPERATE STRUGGLE characters, NO MORE HEROES 2: DESPERATE STRUGGLE characters, NO MORE HEROES bosses, NO MORE HEROES characters, NO MORE HEROES FLASH ゲーム「トラヴィス編」 bosses, NO MORE HEROES FLASH ゲーム「トラヴィス編」 characters, NO MORE HEROES Ⅲ characters, TRAVIS STRIKES AGAIN: NO MORE HEROES charactersAppearances Nomenclature