This investigation series consists of two main titles, a spin-off game, a novelization, and a short story. The earliest release was on October 7, 1999, and the most recent was a remake title on March 13, 2018. Translated versions of all three games were published out of order many years after their original release. A remake of Flower, Sun, and Rain has also been proposed but is not openly being developed at this time. Shortly after the release of the first game, the novel The Silver CASE#4.5FACE, set towards the end of The Silver, was also published.
The following installments have been published, with the initial releases for each unique title highlighted in bold:
- The Silver (1999)
- The Silver CASE#4.5FACE (1999)
- Flower, Sun, and Rain (2001)
- シルバー事件25区 (2005)
- Flower Sun and Rain: MURDER AND MYSTERY IN PARADISE (2008)
- まっ赤な女の子 (2016)
- The SILVERCASE (2016)
- The 25th Ward: The Silver Case (2018)