This mobile game was developed by Raycast Studio and published on October 19, 2020. It was almost identical to another game published by Raycast on October 2, 2020, DRAGON BALL Z – DRAGON WARRIOR, however, this newer version replaced the character model of protagonist Doku with that of Travis Touchdown from TRAVIS STRIKES AGAIN: NO MORE HEROES. In addition to infringing on the trademarks of DRAGONBALL Z and NO MORE HEROES, the Travis character model also wore a Black The Fall shirt, infringing on the rights of BLACK THE FALL as well. By 2023, all Raycast games had been removed from the App Store and Google Play, although some are still available on the Amazon Appstore, including yet another variation of this game. Other versions of the game were released where the Doku character still used Travis‘ model with the exception of the head, which was changed to resemble DRAGONBALL Z‘s Goku, however, the most recent versions use this Goku-like head and a seemingly original body.