Mondo Zappa (II)
This character had a supporting role in the NO MORE HEROES series. He was a hitman who carried out assassinations approved by the Federal Mimetic Assassination Administration. At the Balbonia Castle in Romania, Zappa killed what he thought was Doppelganger while on a mission to execute him. There, he crossed paths with Travis Touchdown, and…
White Buguro
This character had a minor role as a non-hostile enemy in the NO MORE HEROES series. It was a Pickled Buguro that was discovered by Travis Touchdown after entering a cheat code in DAMNED: Dark Knight and killer MARATHON. Appearances Nomenclature
Blue Buguro
This character had a minor role as a non-hostile enemy in the NO MORE HEROES series. It was a Pickled Buguro that was discovered by Travis Touchdown after entering a cheat code in LIFE is DESTROY, COFFEE & DOUGHNUTS, and GOLDEN DRAGON GP. Appearances Nomenclature
Golden Buguro
This character had a minor role as a non-hostile enemy in the NO MORE HEROES series. It was a Pickled Buguro that was discovered by Travis Touchdown after entering a cheat code in ELECTRIC THUNDER TIGER Ⅱ. Appearances Nomenclature
Christopher Mills (III)
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West Milky Way Hardcore Hole Brothers
This villainous team had a minor role in the NO MORE HEROES series. It was comprised of Mr. Blackhole and Mr. Wormhole. The West Milky Way Hardcore Hole Brothers used an app to locate obstacles in FU‘s quest for dominance in the galaxy. They used this app to warp to Earth 515, where they threatened…
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UE4 Mannequin
This character had a background role in the NO MORE HEROES series. It was a faceless robot who resided in the Tutorial Room. When Travis Touchdown approached it, he suddenly took notice of the player and interrupted the game to announce the development of NO MORE HEROES Ⅲ. The UE4 Mannequin was likely alive in…
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Taro Gida
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Notorious (I)
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Tetsugoro Kusabi
This character had a major role in the Silver Case series and a minor role in the NO MORE HEROES series. He was a Special Agent with the Regional Investigation Unit when he made headlines for the arrest of Kamui Uehara at the height of the Silver Case. Years later, he served as a Special…