This neo-noir series consists of a video game and a short story. The earliest release was on June 9, 2005, and the most recent was on February 24, 2006. The world the series takes place in was further detailed in Hand in killer7, a book which supplemented the game. The short story killer is dead was first printed in 電撃 PS2, but was later reprinted by 週刊ファミ通 and in SUDA51 OFFICIAL COMPLETE BOOK GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE & HUMAN WORKS.
The following installments have been published:
- killer7 (2005)
- killer is dead, “kills7th” (2005)
- killer is dead, “kills6th” (2005)
- killer is dead, “kills5th” (2005)
- killer is dead, “kills4th” (2005)
- killer is dead, “kills3th” (2006)
- killer is dead, “killsTomorrow” (2006)