
When Tadayuki Nomaru‘s art exhibition was held at TETOKA in Chiyoda, Tokyo, some commemorative items were available for purchase.

能丸督之の世界展BookJuly 22, 2023¥2,000
Shadows of the DAMNED Skull Back PLAYING CARDSPlaying cardsJuly 22, 2023¥3,500
能丸督之の世界展 限定復刻TシャツShirtBlack, whiteJuly 22, 2023¥4,000


GRASSHOPPER MANUFACTURE‘s current store opened on June 15, 2023. International shipping was later introduced on January 21, 2024, along with the addition of new items, including any remaining stock from the 能丸督之の世界 exhibition.

MARK-G TEEShirtPepper, whiteJune 15, 2023¥4,500
VGB TEEShirtGreen, whiteJune 15, 2023¥4,500
BIRTHDAY CAKE TEEShirtMix gray, whiteJune 15, 2023¥4,500
LOGO HISTORY TEEShirtBlack, whiteJune 15, 2023¥4,500 (XL and under)
¥5,000 (XXL)
“The World of Tadayuki Nomaru” Art BookBookJanuary 21, 2024¥2,500
Shadows of the Damned Original Playing cardsPlaying cardsJanuary 21, 2024¥3,800
Original Sports Towel 2023TowelJanuary 21, 2024¥3,500
SotD TEEShirtWhite, blackJanuary 21, 2024¥4,500
SotD TITLE TEEShirtBlackMay 25, 2024¥5,500 (XL and under)
¥6,000 (2XL and over)
SotD Paula RIB LONG SLEEVEShirtWhiteMay 25, 2024¥11,500 (XL and under)
¥12,000 (2XL and over)
NWG VIDEO GAME TEEShirtBlackSeptember 30, 2024¥5,500 (XL and under)
¥6,000 (2XL and over)
NWG EXTREMELY LOGO TEEShirtBlack, whiteSeptember 30, 2024¥6,600 (XL and under)
¥7,000 (XXL)
NWG TRIANGLE LOGO FLAT VISOR CAPHatBlackSeptember 30, 2024¥5,500
SotD PAULA TOTE BAGBagSeptember 30, 2024¥3,800
NWG EXTREMELY LOGO SHOULDER BAGBagBlackSeptember 30, 2024¥4,800
GhM MUFFLER TOWEL 2024TowelSeptember 30, 2024¥3,500
GhM LOGO HISTORY-2 TEEShirtBlack, whiteOctober 31, 2024¥5,000 (XL and under)
¥5,455 (XXL and over)
「Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered」– Original StickerStickerOctober 31, 2024¥909
NWG POKETABLE ECO BAGBagBlack, orange, goldOctober 31, 2024¥3,000
NWG VIDEO GAME NYLON BLOUSONJacketBlackOctober 31, 2024¥13,455
NWG TRIANGLE LOGO NYLON PANTSPantsBlackOctober 31, 2024¥8,909


This store released three shirts for KILLER IS DEAD in partnership with SLIP&Co. Pre-orders were accepted until August 31, 2013, however, the details of their release have been lost.

SLIP×KID Mash-up TEE “Katana”
SLIP×KID Mash-up TEE “Mondo Zappa”
SLIP×KID Mash-up TEE “Giant Head”


This store was operated from November 16, 2010 until August 14, 2014.

ProductTypeCatalog PriceQuantity
ノーモア★ヒーローズ2 デスパレート・ストラグル オリジナル・サウンドトラックAlbumGHMR-0010¥3,0001,000
Hand in killer7BookGHMR117¥1,680
Hallo,friendsPhone caseGHMR402¥2,100
Cockroach MaidenPhone caseGHMR401¥2,100
FROG MINUTES TシャツShirt¥2,500
STILL ALIVE !! 鬼剣舞酒 AFTER 3.11ShirtGHMR164¥2,500
STILL ALIVE !! 鬼剣舞酒 AFTER 3.11ShirtGHMR163¥2,500
Video Game Band StickerStickersGHMR300¥700
The Waste Land StickerStickersGHMR301¥700
ghm CoasterCoastersGHMR200¥500
The Silver #02 + PARADEAlbumGHMR007¥1,200
The Silver #02 DESTRUCTORAlbumGHMR006¥2,500
The virgin child makes her wish without feeling anythingAlbumGHMR009¥1,000
FROG MINUTES Tシャツ ver.2ShirtGHMR165¥3,000
Shadows of the DAMNED T-Shirt AshShirtGHMR166¥3,500
Shadows of the DAMNED T-Shirt CharcoalShirtGHMR167¥3,500
GhM Official T-Shirt Italian redShirtGHMR171¥3,000
GhM Official T-Shirt LimeShirtGHMR172¥3,000
GhM Official T-Shirt BlackShirtGHMR173¥3,000
GhM Official T-Shirt PeachShirtGHMR174¥3,000
GhM Official T-Shirt Metro BlueShirtGHMR175¥3,000
GhM Official T-Shirt WhiteShirtGHMR176¥3,000
ガルシアTシャツ 白ShirtGHMR168¥8,400
ガルシアTシャツ 黒ShirtGHMR169¥8,400
ガルシアタトゥーTシャツ 長袖ShirtGHMR170¥10,500
Travis Touchdown Mug Shot TeeShirtGHMR154¥3,000
ロリポップチェーンソー×ハードコアチョコレート:限定コラボTシャツ“CHAINSAW BLASTER”ShirtGHMR178¥3,500
ロリポップチェーンソー×ハードコアチョコレート:限定コラボTシャツ“ZOMBIE LOVE”ShirtGHMR177¥3,500
シャドウ オブ ザ ダムド / オフィシャルアートガイドブック『KURAYAMI MAGAZINE』BookGHMR0118¥1,0502,000
『Shadows of the DAMNED Original Music From AKIRA YAMAOKA』AlbumGHMR0013¥2,300
ノーモア★ヒーローズ ワールドランカー×ハードコアチョコレートコラボ:“内臓Tシャツ”ShirtGHMR181¥3,500
Black Knight Sword オリジナル手ぬぐい “Dance!!BKS”Shirt¥3,000
予約注文受付:Black Knight Sword Tシャツ “WHLand”ShirtGHMR182¥3,000
予約注文受付:Black Knight Sword Tシャツ “Necklace”ShirtGHMR184¥3,000
予約注文受付:Black Knight Sword Tシャツ “Hangman”ShirtGHMR183¥3,000
Shadows of the DAMNED iPhone 4ケースPhone caseGHMR403¥2,500
nmh iPhone 4ケースPhone caseGHMR404¥2,500
k7 iPhone 4ケースPhone caseGHMR405¥2,500
FROG MINUTES iPhone 4ケースPhone caseGHMR406¥2,500
FROG MINUTESラバーウッドマウスパッドMousepadGHMR471¥1,000
Shadows of the DAMNED レザーマウスパッド 白MousepadGHMR472¥1,000
Shadows of the DAMNED レザーマウスパッド 黒MousepadGHMR473¥1,000
Shadows of the DAMNEDタンブラーTumblerGHMR451¥1,500
LolliPhone ケース “Rosalind”Phone case¥2,500
LolliPhone ケース “Juliet”Phone case¥2,500
KILLER IS DEAD発売記念コアチョココラボTシャツ“処刑ジゴロ”Shirt¥3,500
KILLER IS DEAD発売記念コアチョココラボTシャツ“THE EXECUTIONER”Shirt¥3,500

Design Tshirts Store graniph

This clothing company’s designs were featured in NO MORE HEROES 2: DESPERATE STRUGGLE and in turn two shirts received commercial releases on October 27, 2010.

ベーシックTシャツ NO MORE HEROES 2White¥2,100
ベーシックTシャツ NO MORE HEROES 2Heather Gray¥2,100


This clothing imprint was available through TEE PARTY between 2010 and 2014.

Cockroach MaidenWhite¥3,500
Lead Vocal UniversityOrange¥3,500
Grasshopper, InkBlack¥3,500
GRASSHOPPERLight pink¥3,500
the POWER of SPIRALCharcoal¥3,500


Naomi corsetBlack and gold2010£75
Shinobu babydollBlack2010£49.95
Sylvia braBlack2010£34

渋谷bit TOURS



The Silver #01 STRUCTUREAlbumGHMR001April 20, 2001¥2,500
FSRロゴTシャツ白&赤ShirtWhite and redGHMR100August 23, 2001¥2,500
ghmTシャツネイビー&白ShirtNavy and whiteGHMR102August 23, 2001¥2,800
ghmTシャツパープル&ピンクShirtPurple and pinkGHMR103August 23, 2001¥2,800
ghmTシャツベージュ&朱ShirtBeige and vermillionGHMR104August 23, 2001¥2,800
ghmFOOTBALLTシャツホーム白ShirtWhiteGHMR105September 1, 2002¥3,500
ghmFOOTBALLTシャツアウェイ赤ShirtRedGHMR106September 1, 2002¥3,500
shine ~For High Time~AlbumGHMR003March 31, 2003¥2,500
FSRロゴTシャツ 赤×白ShirtRed and whiteGHMR107July 15, 2003¥2,000
『シルバー事件』#0 OrangeShirtOrangeGHMR108July 15, 2003¥2,800
『シルバー事件』#1 RedShirtRedGHMR109July 15, 2003¥2,800
『シルバー事件』#2 GoldShirtGoldGHMR110July 15, 2003¥2,800
『シルバー事件』#3 WhiteShirtWhiteGHMR111July 15, 2003¥2,800
『シルバー事件』#4 Olive GreenShirtOlive greenGHMR112July 15, 2003¥2,800
『シルバー事件』#5 BlackShirtBlackGHMR113July 15, 2003¥2,800
『シルバー事件』#! CharcoalShirtCharcoalGHMR114July 15, 2003¥2,800
ホッパーマンTシャツ  イエローShirtYellowGHMR115July 15, 2003¥2,000
ホッパーマンTシャツ ブルーShirtBlueGHMR116July 15, 2003¥2,000
「michigan」オリジナルサウンドトラックスAlbumSCDC00378November 30, 2004¥3,150

grasshopper internetmag

Flower, Sun, and Rain music clipsDVDghm-00072000



  • Death Blow Icons could not verify the July 15, 2003 release date for GHMR108 through 114, however, this was the verifiable date for when GHMR107, 115, and 116 began selling on ghmrecords, so it is very likely that the shirts cataloged between these began selling on the same date as well.
  • ghmrecords also used other terms such as ジー・エイチ・エム・レコーズ, ghm records, ghm-Records Store, or simply ghmr and GHMR.
  • michigan ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK was first published on October 20, 2004, however, it was not sold on ghmrecords until November 30, 2004.
  • Shirts were awarded to a selection of players who filled out a killer7 survey, however, the exact shirts from this giveaway are lost.
  • ロリポップチェーンソー×ハードコアチョコレート:限定コラボTシャツ“ZOMBIE LOVE” and ロリポップチェーンソー×ハードコアチョコレート:限定コラボTシャツ“CHAINSAW BLASTER” were made in partnership with Hardcore Chocolate Co., Ltd. These shirts were also sold on Hardcore Chocolate’s website with the catalog numbers T-337 and T-338 respectively.
  • Several KILLER IS DEAD shirts were awarded to participants in the Mondo+Juliet contest. KILLER IS DEAD 非売品スタッフTシャツ went to four winners, while two winners were selected for KILLER IS DEAD発売記念コアチョココラボTシャツ“処刑ジゴロ”, KILLER IS DEAD発売記念コアチョココラボTシャツ“THE EXECUTIONER”, SLIP×KID Mash-up TEE “Katana”, SLIP×KID Mash-up TEE “Mondo Zappa”, and SLIP×KID Mash-up TEE “Giant Head”. One of these shirts was seemingly never sold by GRASSHOPPER.


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